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지노믹트리, 방광암 진단키트 ‘얼리텍B’, 식약처 혁신의료기기 지정
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2024년 6월 12일
Exploring the World of Interior Design: 10 Surprising Insights 1.  Historical Roots: Interior design isn't a recent phenomenon; its origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, where skilled artisans crafted opulent interiors for pyramids and palaces.   2.  Chromatic Influence: Colors wield significant power in shaping our emotions and perceptions. Interior designers strategically select color palettes to evoke specific moods, whether it's the tranquility of blues and greens in bedrooms or the vitality of reds and yellows in social spaces.   3.  Harmonious Spaces: Drawing from the ancient practice of Feng Shui, interior designers incorporate principles of spatial arrangement to foster harmony and positive energy flow within a room.   4.  Inclusive Design: Beyond aesthetics, interior design embraces inclusivity through universal design principles, ensuring that spaces are accessible and usable for individuals of all abilities.   5.  Psychology in Design: Designers leverage insights from psychology to create environments that promote mental and emotional well-being, harnessing elements like natural light and open spaces to enhance mood and productivity.   6.  Textile Dynamics: Textiles play a multifaceted role in interior design, serving not only as upholstery and curtains but also as tools for controlling acoustics, adding texture, and creating focal points within a room.   7.  Sustainability Shift: With a growing emphasis on environmental consciousness, interior designers are increasingly integrating eco-friendly materials and practices into their work, striving to reduce the ecological footprint of interior spaces.   8.  Tech Integration: Modern interior design seamlessly integrates technology into spaces, with smart home features like automated lighting, temperature control, and entertainment systems becoming commonplace.   9.  Spatial Optimization: The layout of a space profoundly impacts its functionality and flow. Interior designers employ spatial planning principles to optimize layouts and enhance usability.   10.  Illusion Crafting: Interior designers possess a knack for creating optical illusions, using mirrors, lighting, and strategic furniture placement to make small spaces appear larger and dim areas seem brighter. In conclusion, delving into the intricate world of interior design unveils a fascinating tapestry of historical influences, psychological insights, and sustainable practices. Aspiring designers keen on exploring this dynamic field can find ample opportunities for growth and creativity. For those in Kerala seeking to embark on this enriching journey, interior designing courses in Kerala and interior designing courses in Kochi offer comprehensive training, blending traditional wisdom with contemporary trends. With a blend of historical appreciation, technological innovation, and a commitment to sustainability, the future of interior design in Kerala and beyond promises to be both inspiring and transformative.

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[종양관련유전자검사시약] 이 제품은 '의료기기'이며, '사용상의 주의사항'과 '사용방법'을 잘 읽고 사용하십시오.


코스닥 상장기업 (228760)

얼리텍® 대장암검사는 체외진단용 의료기기 EarlyTect Colon Cancer (제허 18-593호)를 사용하여, 사람 분변에서 추출한 DNA에서 신데칸-2(SDC2) 유전자의 메틸화(methylation)를 실시간 중합효소 연쇄반응(real-time PCR)으로 정성하여 대장암 진단에 보조적으로 사용하는 분자진단 검사입니다.

본 검사는 Han et al. Clinical Epigenetics, 2019;11:51 에 기술된 바와 같이 검사의 성능이 총 585명의 30~80세 사이 남녀를 대상으로 한 임상시험결과 대장암을 90.2%의 민감도와 특이도로 검사 결과가 갖는 임상적 의미가 일부 증명되었습니다. 그러나 본 검사는 임상적 유효성에 대한 추적관찰이 필요한 검사입니다.

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